Open-Loop Control#

Open-Loop control typically refers to directly controlling device output.

There are open-loop control requests for all TalonFX control output types. With the exception of FOC-only control requests, all open-loop control requests follow the naming pattern {ControlOutputType}Out. For example, the open-loop Voltage control request is called VoltageOut. FOC-only control requests follow the naming pattern {ControlOutputType}.

In the below example, note that devices are initialized with two arguments. These arguments correspond to the device ID and CAN bus name. For CANivore, this is the name of the CANivore as configured in Phoenix Tuner X. For more information, see the CANivore API documentation.

// initialize devices on the rio can bus
final TalonFX m_leftLeader = new TalonFX(0, "rio");
final TalonFX m_rightLeader = new TalonFX(1, "rio");

// users should reuse control requests when possible
final DutyCycleOut m_leftRequest = new DutyCycleOut(0.0);
final DutyCycleOut m_rightRequest = new DutyCycleOut(0.0);

// retrieve joystick inputs
var forward = -m_driverJoy.getLeftY();
var turn = m_driverJoy.getRightX();

// calculate motor outputs, utilizes a "arcade" style of driving;
// where left Y controls forward and right X controls rotation/turn
var leftOut = forward + turn;
var rightOut = forward - turn;

// set request to motor controller
// initialize devices on the rio can bus
hardware::TalonFX m_leftLeader{0, "rio"};
hardware::TalonFX m_rightLeader{1, "rio"};

// users should reuse control requests when possible
controls::DutyCycleOut m_leftRequest{0.0};
controls::DutyCycleOut m_rightRequest{0.0};

// retrieve joystick inputs
auto forward = -m_driverJoy.GetLeftY();
auto turn = m_driverJoy.GetRightX();

// calculate motor outputs, utilizes a "arcade" style of driving;
// where left Y controls forward and right X controls rotation/turn
auto leftOut = forward + turn;
auto rightOut = forward - turn;

// set request to motor controller
# initialize devices on the rio can bus
self.left_leader = hardware.TalonFX(0, "rio")
self.right_leader = hardware.TalonFX(1, "rio")

# users should reuse control requests when possible
self.left_request = controls.DutyCycleOut(0.0)
self.right_request = controls.DutyCycleOut(0.0)

# retrieve joystick inputs
forward = -self.driver_joy.getLeftY()
turn = self.driver_joy.getRightX()

# calculate motor outputs, utilizes a "arcade" style of driving
# where left Y controls forward and right X controls rotation/turn
left_out = forward + turn
right_out = forward - turn

# set request to motor controllers