Open-Loop Quickstart¶
The below example showcases controlling a four-motor drivetrain.
Declaring Motor Controllers¶
The TalonFX
motor controller constructor (Java, C++, Python) requires a device ID (int) and an optional CAN bus (string).
The name of the native roboRIO CAN bus is rio
. This is also the default CAN bus on the roboRIO when none is specified.
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
private static final String kCANBus = "canivore";
private final TalonFX m_leftLeader = new TalonFX(0, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_rightLeader = new TalonFX(1, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_leftFollower = new TalonFX(2, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_rightFollower = new TalonFX(3, kCANBus);
class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
static constexpr char const *kCANBus{"canivore"};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_leftLeader{0, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_rightLeader{1, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_leftFollower{2, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_rightFollower{3, kCANBus};
Configure Followers & Inverts¶
In a traditional robot drivetrain, there are two motors attached to each horizontal side of the drivetrain. This setup typically (unless mechanically inverted) causes the right side to rotate in an opposite direction when given the same voltage.

public Robot() {
// start with factory-default configs
var currentConfigs = new MotorOutputConfigs();
// The left motor is CCW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = InvertedValue.CounterClockwise_Positive;
// The right motor is CW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = InvertedValue.Clockwise_Positive;
// Ensure our followers are following their respective leader
m_leftFollower.setControl(new Follower(m_leftLeader.getDeviceID(), false));
m_rightFollower.setControl(new Follower(m_rightLeader.getDeviceID(), false));
#include "Robot.h"
using namespace ctre::phoenix6;
Robot::Robot() {
// start with factory-default configs
configs::MotorOutputConfigs currentConfigs{};
// The left motor is CCW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = signals::InvertedValue::CounterClockwise_Positive;
// The right motor is CW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = signals::InvertedValue::Clockwise_Positive;
// Ensure the followers are following their respective leader
m_leftFollower.SetControl(controls::Follower{m_leftLeader.GetDeviceID(), false});
m_rightFollower.SetControl(controls::Follower{m_rightLeader.GetDeviceID(), false});
Full Example¶
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
private static final String kCANBus = "canivore";
private final TalonFX m_leftLeader = new TalonFX(0, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_rightLeader = new TalonFX(1, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_leftFollower = new TalonFX(2, kCANBus);
private final TalonFX m_rightFollower = new TalonFX(3, kCANBus);
private final DutyCycleOut m_leftOut = new DutyCycleOut(0);
private final DutyCycleOut m_rightOut = new DutyCycleOut(0);
private final XboxController m_driverJoy = new XboxController(0);
public Robot() {
// start with factory-default configs
var currentConfigs = new MotorOutputConfigs();
// The left motor is CCW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = InvertedValue.CounterClockwise_Positive;
// The right motor is CW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = InvertedValue.Clockwise_Positive;
// Ensure our followers are following their respective leader
m_leftFollower.setControl(new Follower(m_leftLeader.getDeviceID(), false));
m_rightFollower.setControl(new Follower(m_rightLeader.getDeviceID(), false));
public void teleopPeriodic() {
// retrieve joystick inputs
var fwd = -m_driverJoy.getLeftY();
var rot = m_driverJoy.getRightX();
// modify control requests
m_leftOut.Output = fwd + rot;
m_rightOut.Output = fwd - rot;
// send control requests
#include "Robot.h"
using namespace ctre::phoenix6;
Robot::Robot() {
// start with factory-default configs
configs::MotorOutputConfigs currentConfigs{};
// The left motor is CCW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = signals::InvertedValue::CounterClockwise_Positive;
// The right motor is CW+
currentConfigs.Inverted = signals::InvertedValue::Clockwise_Positive;
// Ensure the followers are following their respective leader
m_leftFollower.SetControl(controls::Follower{m_leftLeader.GetDeviceID(), false});
m_rightFollower.SetControl(controls::Follower{m_rightLeader.GetDeviceID(), false});
void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() {
// retrieve joystick inputs
auto fwd = -m_driverJoy.GetLeftY();
auto rot = m_driverJoy.GetRightX();
// modify control requests
m_leftOut.Output = fwd + rot;
m_rightOut.Output = fwd - rot;
// send control requests
static constexpr char const *kCANBus{"canivore"};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_leftLeader{0, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_rightLeader{1, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_leftFollower{2, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX m_rightFollower{3, kCANBus};
ctre::phoenix6::controls::DutyCycleOut m_leftOut{0};
ctre::phoenix6::controls::DutyCycleOut m_rightOut{0};
frc::XboxController m_driverJoy{0};