MotorController Integration =========================== Phoenix 6 motor controller classes such as ``TalonFX`` (`Java `__, `C++ `__, `Python `__) implement many APIs from the ``MotorController`` (`Java `__, `C++ `__) interface. This allows Phoenix 6 motor controllers to more easily be used in WPILib drivetrain classes such as ``DifferentialDrive``. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Java :sync: Java .. code-block:: java // instantiate motor controllers final TalonFX m_motorLeft = new TalonFX(0); final TalonFX m_motorRight = new TalonFX(1); // create DifferentialDrive object for robot control final DifferentialDrive m_diffDrive = new DifferentialDrive( m_motorLeft::set, m_motorRight::set ); // instantiate joystick final XboxController m_driverJoy = new XboxController(0); public void teleopPeriodic() { var forward = -m_driverJoy.getLeftY(); var rot = -m_driverJoy.getRightX(); m_diffDrive.arcadeDrive(forward, rot); } .. tab-item:: C++ (Source) :sync: C++ .. code-block:: cpp void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() { auto forward = -m_driverJoy.GetLeftY(); auto rot = -m_driverJoy.GetRightX(); m_diffDrive.ArcadeDrive(forward, rot); } .. tab-item:: C++ (Header) :sync: C++ Header .. code-block:: cpp // instantiate motor controllers hardware::TalonFX m_motorLeft{0}; hardware::TalonFX m_motorRight{1}; // create differentialdrive object for robot control frc::DifferentialDrive m_diffDrive{ [this](double output) { m_motorLeft.Set(output); }, [this](double output) { m_motorRight.Set(output); } }; // instantiate joystick frc::XboxController m_driverJoy{0}; .. tab-item:: Python :sync: python .. code-block:: python def __init__(self): # instantiate motor controllers self.motor_left = hardware.TalonFX(0) self.motor_right = hardware.TalonFX(1) # create DifferentialDrive object for robot control self.diff_drive = self.motor_left.set, self.motor_right.set ) # instantiate joystick self.driver_joy = wpilib.XboxController(0) def teleopPeriodic(self): forward = -self.driver_joy.getLeftY() rot = -self.driver_joy.getRightX() self.diff_drive.arcadeDrive(forward, rot) Motor Safety ------------ CTR Electronics supported actuators implement WPILib `Motor Safety `__. In additional to the normal :doc:`enable signal ` of CTR Electronics actuators, Motor Safety will automatically disable the device according to the WPILib Motor Safety implementation. Simulation ---------- It's recommended that users set supply voltage to ``RobotController.getBatteryVoltage()`` (`Java `__, `C++ `__) to take advantage of WPILib's ``BatterySim`` (`Java `__, `C++ `__) API. Additionally, the simulated device state is shown in the simulation :guilabel:`Other Devices` menu. .. image:: images/simulation-preview.png :width: 300 :alt: Simulation other devices menu